
01 Januari 2015

Start of the migration of the Forth Foundation Library to Github.

25 Juli 2010

Eighth release, version 0.8.0, of the Forth Foundation Library. The library is extended with an interface module for the gtk-server. This module enables the Forth engine to show a GTK GUI. Also a base64, a scanf and fixed width data module are added to the library. Four modules were extended with new words. The library will now also run on VFX Forth and on 64bit Forths. See the Changelog for more details.

12 June 2009

Seventh release, version 0.7.0, of the Forth Foundation Library. The library is extended with a finite state machine, a generic binary tree, a gzip file reader, a lineair and circulair buffer, a bit input stream, a logger and a simple sprintf module. Five modules are extended with new words. The regular expression module now also supports user classes. Also the library will now run on iForth32, SPF4 and lxf/ntf. For more details see the Changelog.

01 May 2009

Start of the migration of the Forth Foundation Library to Google Code.

02 March 2008

Sixth release, version 0.6.0, of the Forth Foundation Library. The library is extended with a command-line argument parser, ANS structures, distributed random number generator, enumeration, string table, date/time output stream, message catalog with gettexts mo-file import, XML/HTML reader/parser, XML/HTML writer and XML-DOM. For all the details see the Changelog.

11 June 2007

Fifth release, version 0.5.0, of the Forth Foundation Library. The library is extended with a new collection: a n-tree with an iterator, a new interface module: SHA-256 and a new compound module: regular expressions. There are also two config files added for MinForth and fina. For more details see the Changelog.

10 January 2007

Fourth release, version 0.4.0, of the Forth Foundation Library. The library is extended with two new data types: complex and fraction numbers, three new collections: a double linked list, a binary tree and an AVL tree, all with iterators and three new interface modules: SHA-1 module, a Mersenne Twister pseudo random number generator and an interval timer. There is also a config file for Win32Forth added.

12 August 2006

Third release, version 0.3.0, of the Forth Foundation Library. The library is extended with two new data types: a date/time module with an iterator and a character set module, one new collection: the hash table module with an iterator and one interface module: md5. For the pfe forth engine a config.fs file is added.

10 April 2006

Second release, version 0.2.0, of the Forth Foundation Library. The library is extended with two new data types: a string module and a bit array module, one new collection: the cell array module and two compound modules: a text input stream and a text output stream module.

20 December 2005

Initial release, version 0.1.0, of the Forth Foundation Library.

17 December 2005

Today the web pages for the Forth Foundation Library went alive.