Module description

lbf -- Linear buffer module
The lbf module implements a linear buffer with variable elements. During adding of extra data, the buffer will be resized. This type of buffer is most efficient if the buffer is empty on a regular bases: the unused space in the buffer is then automatically reduced. If the buffer is not regularly empty, use the lbf-reduce word to reuse the unused space in the buffer. The lbf-access! word expects two execution tokens on the stack: store with stack effect: i*x addr -- and fetch: addr -- i*x. Those two words are used to store data in the buffer and fetch data from the buffer. Their behavior should match the size of the elements in the buffer. Besides the normal out pointer there is a secondary out pointer. This pointer will always stay between the normal out pointer and the in pointer. The words lbf-get' and lbf-length' use the secondary out pointer. Important: the lbf-get and lbf-fetch returning addresses are located in the buffer so the contents of these addresses can change with the next call to the buffer. This is different from the circular buffer cbf implementation: the cbf-get and cbf-fetch words copy data from the buffer to the destination addresses.

Linear Buffer Structure

lbf% ( -- n )
Get the required space for a lbf variable

Buffer creation, initialisation and destruction

lbf-init ( +n1 +n2 lbf -- )
Initialise the buffer with element size n1 and initial length n2
lbf-(free) ( lbf -- )
Free the internal data from the heap
lbf-create ( +n1 +n2 "<spaces>name" -- ; -- lbf )
Create a linear buffer in the dictionary with element size n1 and initial length n2
lbf-new ( +n1 +n2 -- lbf )
Create a linear buffer with element size n1 and initial length n2 on the heap
lbf-free ( lbf -- )
Free the linear buffer from the heap

Member words

lbf-length@ ( lbf -- u )
Get the number of elements in the buffer
lbf-length'@ ( lbf -- u )
Get the number of elements in the buffer based on the secondary out pointer
lbf-gap@ ( lbf -- u )
Get the number of elements between the out pointer and the secondary out pointer
lbf-extra@ ( lbf -- u )
Get the extra space allocated during resizing of the buffer
lbf-extra! ( u lbf -- )
Set the extra space allocated during resizing of the buffer
lbf-size! ( +n lbf -- )
Insure the size of the buffer
lbf+extra@ ( -- u )
Get the initial extra space allocated during resizing of the buffer
lbf+extra! ( u -- )
Set the initial extra space allocated during resizing of the buffer
lbf-access@ ( lbf -- xt1 xt2 )
Get the store word xt1 and the fetch word xt2 for the buffer
lbf-access! ( xt1 xt2 lbf -- )
Set the store word xt1 and the fetch word x2 for the buffer

Lifo words

lbf-set ( addr u lbf -- )
Set u elements, starting from addr in the buffer, resize if necessary
lbf-get ( u1 lbf -- addr u2 | 0 )
Get maximum u1 elements from the buffer, return the actual number of elements u2
lbf-get' ( u1 lbf -- addr u2 | 0 )
Get maximum u1 elements from the buffer, based on secondary out, return the actual number of elements u2
lbf-fetch ( u1 lbf -- addr u2 | 0 )
Fetch maximum u1 elements from the buffer, return the actual number of elements u2
lbf-skip ( u1 lbf -- u2 )
Skip maximum u1 elements from the buffer, return the actual skipped elements u2
lbf-enqueue ( i*x lbf | addr lbf -- )
Enqueue one element in the buffer, using the store word if available
lbf-dequeue ( lbf -- i*x true | addr true | false )
Dequeue one element from the buffer, using the fetch word if available

Fifo words

lbf-tos ( lbf -- i*x true | addr true | false )
Fetch the top element, using the fetch word if available
lbf-push ( i*x lbf | addr lbf -- )
Push one element in the buffer, using the store word if available
lbf-pop ( lbf -- i*x true | addr true | false )
Pop one element from the buffer, using the fetch word if available

Copy words

lbf-copy ( u1 u2 lbf -- )
Copy records u1 times from distance u2, u1 >= u2 is allowed

Buffer words

lbf-clear ( lbf -- )
Clear the buffer
lbf-reduce ( u lbf -- )
Remove the leading unused space in the buffer if the unused length is at least u elements


lbf-dump ( lbf -- )
Dump the linear buffer variable


\ ==============================================================================
\      lbf_expl - the example file for the lbf module in the ffl
\               Copyright (C) 2008  Dick van Oudheusden
\ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
\ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
\ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
\ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
\ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
\ General Public License for more details.
\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
\ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
\ Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
\ ==============================================================================
\  $Date: 2008-06-24 18:18:58 $ $Revision: 1.2 $
\ ==============================================================================

include ffl/lbf.fs

\ Example 1: buffering characters strings

\ Create the lineair buffer in the dictionary with an initial size of 10 chars

1 chars 10 lbf-create char-buf

\ Put characters in the buffer

s" Hello" char-buf lbf-set

\ Get the length of the stored characters

.( Number characters in buffer:) char-buf lbf-length@ . cr

\ Put more characters in the buffer, resulting in a resize of the buffer

s" , a nice morning to you." char-buf lbf-set

\ Get characters from the buffer

.( Read the buffer:) 29 char-buf lbf-get type cr

\ Example 2: buffering compound data: pair of cells as element

\ Create the lineair buffer on the heap with an initial size of 3 elements

2 cells 3 lbf-new value xy-buf

\ Set the store and fetch words for the buffer

' 2! ' 2@ xy-buf lbf-access!

\ Use the buffer as fifo buffer, using the store and fetch words

1 2 xy-buf lbf-enqueue
3 4 xy-buf lbf-enqueue
5 6 xy-buf lbf-enqueue
7 8 xy-buf lbf-enqueue       \ Buffer is resized

\ Get the length of the stored elements in the buffer

.( Number elements in buffer:) xy-buf lbf-length@ . cr

\ Get first element from buffer

.( First pair in buffer:) xy-buf lbf-dequeue [IF]
  .  . cr
  .(  nothing in buffer) cr

\ Use the buffer as lifo buffer, using the store and fetch words

\ Get last pair from buffer

.( Last pair in buffer:) xy-buf lbf-pop [IF]
  . . cr
  .(  nothing in buffer) cr

\ Free the buffer from the heap

xy-buf lbf-free

\ ==============================================================================

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