Module description

cbf -- Circular buffer module
The cbf module implements a circular buffer with variable elements. During adding of extra data, the buffer will be resized. The cbf-access! word expects two execution tokens on the stack: store with stack effect: i*x addr -- and fetch: addr -- i*x. Those two words are used to store data in the buffer and fetch data from the buffer. Their behavior should match the size of the elements in the buffer. Important: the cbf-get and cbf-fetch copy data from the buffer to the destination address. This is different from the linear buffer lbf implementation: the lbf-get and lbf-fetch return addresses located in the buffer.

Circular Buffer Structure

cbf% ( -- n )
Get the required space for a cbf variable

Buffer creation, initialisation and destruction

cbf-init ( +n1 +n2 cbf -- )
Initialise the buffer with element size n1 and initial length n2
cbf-(free) ( cbf -- )
Free the internal data from the heap
cbf-create ( +n1 +n2 "<spaces>name" -- ; -- cbf )
Create a circular buffer in the dictionary with element size n1 and initial length n2
cbf-new ( +n1 +n2 -- cbf )
Create a circular buffer with element size n1 and initial length n2 on the heap
cbf-free ( cbf -- )
Free the circular buffer from the heap

Member words

cbf-length@ ( cbf -- u )
Get the number of elements in the buffer
cbf-extra@ ( cbf -- u )
Get the number of extra elements allocated during resizing of the buffer
cbf-extra! ( u cbf -- )
Set the number of extra elements allocated during resizing of the buffer
cbf-size! ( +n cbf -- )
Insure the size of the buffer
cbf+extra@ ( -- u )
Get the initial number of extra elements allocated during resizing of the buffer
cbf+extra! ( u -- )
Set the initial number of extra elements allocated during resizing of the buffer
cbf-access@ ( cbf -- xt1 xt2 )
Get the store word xt1 and the fetch word xt2 for the buffer
cbf-access! ( xt1 xt2 cbf -- )
Set the store word xt1 and the fetch word x2 for the buffer

Lifo words

cbf-set ( addr u cbf -- )
Set u elements, starting from addr in the buffer, resize if necessary
cbf-fetch ( addr u1 cbf -- u2 )
Fetch maximum u1 elements from the buffer in addr, return the actual number of elements u2
cbf-get ( addr u1 cbf -- u2 )
Get maximum u1 elements from the buffer in addr, return the actual number of elements u2
cbf-skip ( +n1 cbf -- +n2 )
Skip maximum u1 elements from the buffer, return the actual skipped elements u2
cbf-enqueue ( i*x | addr cbf -- )
Enqueue one element in the buffer, optional using the store word
cbf-dequeue ( cbf -- i*x | addr true | false )
Dequeue one element from the buffer, optional using the fetch word

Fifo words

cbf-tos ( cbf -- i*x | addr true | false )
Fetch the top element, optional using the fetch word
cbf-push ( i*x | addr cbf -- )
Push one element in the buffer, optional using the store word
cbf-pop ( cbf -- i*x | addr true | false )
Pop one element from the buffer, optional using the fetch word

Buffer words

cbf-clear ( cbf -- )
Clear the buffer


cbf-dump ( cbf -- )
Dump the circular buffer variable


\ ==============================================================================
\      cbf_expl - the example file for the cbf module in the ffl
\               Copyright (C) 2008  Dick van Oudheusden
\ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
\ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
\ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
\ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
\ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
\ General Public License for more details.
\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
\ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
\ Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
\ ==============================================================================
\  $Date: 2008-06-24 18:18:58 $ $Revision: 1.1 $
\ ==============================================================================

include ffl/cbf.fs

\ Example 1: buffering characters strings

\ Create the circulair buffer in the dictionary with an initial size of 10 chars

1 chars 10 cbf-create char-buf

\ Put characters in the buffer

s" Hello" char-buf cbf-set

\ Get the length of the stored characters

.( Number characters in buffer:) char-buf cbf-length@ . cr

\ Put more characters in the buffer, resulting in a resize of the buffer

s" , a nice morning to you." char-buf cbf-set

\ Get characters from the buffer

.( Read the buffer:) pad 29 char-buf cbf-get pad swap type cr

\ Example 2: buffering compound data: pair of cells as element

\ Create the circulair buffer on the heap with an initial size of 3 elements

2 cells 3 cbf-new value xy-buf

\ Set the store and fetch words for the buffer

' 2! ' 2@ xy-buf cbf-access!

\ Use the buffer as fifo buffer, using the store and fetch words

1 2 xy-buf cbf-enqueue
3 4 xy-buf cbf-enqueue
5 6 xy-buf cbf-enqueue
7 8 xy-buf cbf-enqueue       \ Buffer is resized

\ Get the length of the stored elements in the buffer

.( Number elements in buffer:) xy-buf cbf-length@ . cr

\ Get first element from buffer

.( First pair in buffer:) xy-buf cbf-dequeue [IF]
  .  . cr
  .(  nothing in buffer) cr

\ Use the buffer as lifo buffer, using the store and fetch words

\ Get last pair from buffer

.( Last pair in buffer:) xy-buf cbf-pop [IF]
  . . cr
  .(  nothing in buffer) cr

\ Free the buffer from the heap

xy-buf cbf-free

\ ==============================================================================

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