Module description

spf -- Sprintf string formatter
The spf module implements a simplified version of C's sprintf function. The words in this module expect a format string with specifiers &lb;see below for the format&rb;. For every specifier &lb;except %% and %n&rb; a stack item is converted to the character representation and added to the destination. All other characters are simply copied to the destination. The float conversion uses the PRECISION value for precision.
Format: %[flags][width][length]specifier                                   
    Flags: 0      = Left-pads the number with zeros instead of spaces      
           -      = Left justify the number                                
           +      = A positive number is preceded with a '+'               
           space  = A positive number is preceded with a space             
    Width: number = the minimum number of characters written               
   Double: l      = the argument is interpreted as a double                
Specifier: c      = format a character [char]                              
           d      = format a signed number [n or d]                        
           i      = format a signed number [n or d]                        
           o      = format a signed octal [n or d]                         
           s      = format a string [c-addr u]                             
           u      = format a unsigned number [u or ud]                     
           x      = format a unsigned hexadecimal number [u or ud]         
           X      = format a unsigned hexadecimal number, capital letters  
           p      = format a unsigned hexadecimal number [u or ud]         
           e      = format a float number in scientific notation [r]       
           E      = format a float number in scientific notation [r]       
           n      = store the length of the string in [addr]               
           q      = format a quoted string &lb;non sprintf&rb; [c-addr u]  
           %      = write a '%' []                                         

Sprintf words

spf-append ( i*x j*r c-addr u str -- k*x l*r )
Convert the arguments i*x with the format string c-addr u and append the result to str
spf-set ( i*x j*r c-addr u str -- )
Convert the arguments i*x with the format string c-addr u and set the result in str
spf" ( "ccc<quote>" i*x j*r str -- )
Convert the arguments i*x with the format string and set the result in str


\ ==============================================================================
\              spf_expl - the sprintf example in the ffl
\               Copyright (C) 2008  Dick van Oudheusden
\ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
\ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
\ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
\ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
\ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
\ General Public License for more details.
\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
\ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
\ Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
\ ==============================================================================
\  $Date: 2008-09-22 18:46:53 $ $Revision: 1.2 $
\ ==============================================================================

include ffl/spf.fs

str-new value spf1                                     \ Create string as destination

.( Format numbers                       : ) 
[DEFINED] represent [IF]
18E+0 15 15 10 8 1 s" %d %u %o %x %X %E" spf1 spf-set  \ Format the numbers
      15 15 10 8 1 s" %d %u %o %x %X"    spf1 spf-set  \ Format the numbers

spf1 str-get type cr                                   \ Print the result

.( Format strings and characters        : )
char ! s" Hello" s" %s %c" spf1 spf-set                \ Format strings and characters

spf1 str-get type cr                                   \ Print result

.( Format numbers with signs            : )
-30 20 10 s" %+d % d %d" spf1 spf-set                  \ Format numbers with signs

spf1 str-get type cr                                   \ Print result

.( Leading and trailing zeros and spaces: )
-40 -30 20 10 s" %5d %-+5d %05d %5d" spf1 spf-set      \ Format numbers with leading and trailing spaces

spf1 str-get type cr

.( Format with parsing word             : )
time&date spf1 spf" %04d-%02d-%2d %02d:%02d:%02d"      \ Format date & time

spf1 str-get type cr                                   \ Print result

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