Module description

bnt -- Generic binary tree
The bnt module implements a generic unbalanced binary tree with the key cell based. The implementation is non-recursive. Pay special attention to the bnt-insert word. This word inserts new nodes in the tree. The input parameters are the tree itself, the key, the node creation word and any optional parameters for the node creation word. The bnt-insert word will only call the node creation word if the key is unique in the tree. If so the creation word is called and the resulting node is stored in the tree and returned as output parameter with the true flag. If the key is not unique the node creation word is not called and the current node with the key is returned with the false flag and the optional parameters. In that case the calling word can update this node with the optional parameters. The stack notation of the node creation word is: i*x x bnn1 -- bnn2. i*x are the optional parameters, x is the key, bnn1 is the parent node and bnn2 is the returned tree node. See also bnn and bcn for examples of node creation words.

Generic binary tree structure

bnt% ( -- n )
Get the required space for a bnt variable

Tree creation, initialisation and destruction

bnt-init ( bnt -- )
Initialise the tree
bnt-(free) ( xt bnt -- )
Free the nodes from the heap using xt
bnt-create ( "<spaces>name" -- ; -- bnt )
Create a named binary tree in the dictionary
bnt-new ( -- bnt )
Create a new binary tree on the heap
bnt-free ( bnt -- )
Free the tree node from the heap

Member words

bnt-length@ ( bnt -- u )
Get the number of elements in the tree
bnt-empty? ( bnt -- flag )
Check for an empty tree
bnt-compare@ ( bnt -- xt )
Get the compare execution token for comparing keys
bnt-compare! ( xt bnt -- )
Set the compare execution token for comparing keys

Tree words

bnt-clear ( xt bnt -- )
Delete all nodes in the tree using word xt
bnt-insert ( i*x xt x bct -- bnn1 true | i*x bnn2 false )
Insert a new unique node in the tree with key x, creation word xt and optional parameters
bnt-delete ( x bnt -- false | bnn true )
Delete key x from the tree, return the deleted node
bnt-get ( x bnt -- false | bnn true )
Get the node related to key x from the tree
bnt-has? ( x1 bnt -- flag )
Check if the key x1 is present in the tree
bnt-execute ( i*x xt bnt -- j*x )
Execute xt for every node in the tree
bnt-execute? ( i*x xt bnt -- j*x flag )
Execute xt for every node in the tree or until xt returns true, flag is true if xt returned true


bnt-dump ( bnt -- )
Dump the tree node structure


\ ==============================================================================
\          bnt_expl - the binary tree example in the ffl
\               Copyright (C) 2007  Dick van Oudheusden
\ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
\ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
\ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
\ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
\ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
\ General Public License for more details.
\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
\ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
\ Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
\ ==============================================================================
\  $Date: 2008-04-10 16:12:01 $ $Revision: 1.1 $
\ ==============================================================================

include ffl/bnt.fs
include ffl/bni.fs
include ffl/str.fs

\ Example: store mountain positions in a binary tree

\ Create the generic binary tree in the dictionary

bnt-create mountains

\ Setup the compare word for comparing the mountain names

: mount-compare  ( str str - n = Compare the two mountain names )

' mount-compare mountains bnt-compare!

\ Extend the generic binary tree node with mountain positions fields

begin-structure mount%
  +field   mount>node        \ Mountain structure extends the bnn structure
  ffield:  mount>lng         \ Longitude position
  ffield:  mount>lat         \ Latitude position

\ Create the allocation word for the extended structure

: mount-new    ( F: r1 r2 -- ; x bnn1 -- bnn2 = Create a new mountain position variable with position r1 r2, name c-addr u and parent bnn1 )
  mount% allocate throw             \ Allocate the mountain variable
  r@ mount>node bnn-init            \ Initialise the binary tree node
  r@ mount>lng f!                   \ Save the longitude position
  r@ mount>lat f!                   \ Save the latitude position

\ Add the mountain positions to the binary tree; the key is the mountain name in a (unique) dynamic string

27.98E0 86.92E0  ' mount-new  str-new dup s" mount everest" rot str-set  mountains bnt-insert [IF]
  .( Mountain:) bnn-key@ str-get type .(  added to the tree.) cr
  .( Mountain was not unique in tree) cr drop fdrop fdrop 

45.92E0  6.92E0  ' mount-new  str-new dup s" mont blanc" rot str-set   mountains bnt-insert [IF]
  .( Mountain:) bnn-key@ str-get type .(  added to the tree.) cr
  .( Mountain was not unique in tree) cr drop fdrop fdrop

43.35E0 42.43E0 ' mount-new   str-new dup s" mount elbrus" rot str-set  mountains bnt-insert [IF]
  .( Mountain:) bnn-key@ str-get type .(  added to the tree.) cr
  .( Mountain was not unique in tree) cr drop fdrop fdrop

\ Find a mountain in the binary tree

str-new value mount-name

s" mont blanc" mount-name str-set

mount-name mountains bnt-get [IF]
  .( Mount:)      dup bnn-key@ str-get type 
  .(  latitude:)  dup mount>lat f@ f. 
  .(  longitude:)     mount>lng f@ f. cr
  .( Mount:) mount-name str-get type .(  not in tree.) cr

s" vaalserberg" mount-name str-set

mount-name mountains bnt-get [IF]
  .( Mount:)      dup bnn-key@ str-get type 
  .(  latitude:)  dup mount>lat f@ f. 
  .(  longitude:)     mount>lng f@ f. cr
  .( Mount:) mount-name str-get type .(  not in tree.) cr

\ Word for printing the mountain positions

: mount-emit ( mount -- = Print mountain )
  dup bnn-key@ str-get type ."  --> "
  dup mount>lat f@ f. ." - "
      mount>lng f@ f. cr

\ Print all mountain positions

' mount-emit mountains bnt-execute       \ Execute the word mount-emit for all entries in the tree

\ Example mountains iterator

\ Create the tree iterator in the dictionary

mountains bni-create mount-iter          \ Create an iterator named mount-iter on the mountains tree

\ Moving the iterator

mount-iter bni-first nil<>? [IF]
  .( First mount:) dup bnn-key@ str-get type 
  .(  latitude:)   dup mount>lat f@ f. 
  .(  longitude:)      mount>lng f@ f. cr
  .( No first mountain.) cr

mount-iter bni-last nil<>? [IF]
  .( Last mount:) dup bnn-key@ str-get type 
  .(  latitude:)  dup mount>lat f@ f. 
  .(  longitude:)     mount>lng f@ f. cr
  .( No last mountain.) cr

\ Word for freeing the tree node 

: mount-free     ( mount -- = Free the node in the tree )
  dup bnn-key@ str-free
  free throw

\ Cleanup the tree

' mount-free mountains bnt-clear

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