Module description

xos -- XML/HTML writer
The xos module implements an xml and html writer. The xos module extends the tos module with extra words, so the xos words work on tos variables. The module translates the normal entity references: <, >, ", & and '. All other entity references should be written with the word xos-write-raw-text. Note: balancing of start and end tags is not checked, so the module can also be used to write html output.

xml writer words

xos-write-start-xml ( c-addr1 u1 ... c-addr2n u2n n tos -- )
Write the start of a xml document with n attributes and values
xos-write-text ( c-addr u tos -- )
Write normal xml text c-addr u with translation to the default entity references
xos-write-start-tag ( c-addr1 u1 ... c-addr2n u2n n c-addr u tos -- )
Write the xml start tag c-addr u with n attributes and values c-addr* u*
xos-write-end-tag ( c-addr u tos -- )
Write the xml end tag c-addr u
xos-write-empty-element ( c-addr1 u1 ... c-addr2n u2n n c-addr u tos -- )
Write the xml start and end tag c-addr u with n attributes and values c-addr* u*
xos-write-raw-text ( c-addr u tos -- )
Write unprocessed xml text
xos-write-comment ( c-addr u tos -- )
Write a xml comment
xos-write-cdata ( c-addr u tos -- )
Write a xml CDATA section
xos-write-proc-instr ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2n u2n n c-addr u tos -- )
Write a xml processing instruction with target c-addr u and n attributes and values c-addr* u*
xos-write-internal-dtd ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 tos -- )
Write an internal document type definition with name c-addr2 u2 and markup c-addr1 u1
xos-write-system-dtd ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c-addr3 u3 tos -- )
Write a system document type definition with name c-addr3 u3, markup c-addr2 u2 and system c-addr1 u1
xos-write-public-dtd ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c-addr3 u3 c-addr4 u4 tos -- )
Write a public document type definition with name c-addr4 u4, markup c-addr3 u3, public-id c-addr2 u2 and system c-addr1 u1


\ ==============================================================================
\          xos_expl - the xml output stream example in the ffl
\               Copyright (C) 2007  Dick van Oudheusden
\ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
\ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
\ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
\ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
\ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
\ General Public License for more details.
\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
\ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
\ Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
\ ==============================================================================
\  $Date: 2008-01-13 08:09:33 $ $Revision: 1.3 $
\ ==============================================================================

include ffl/xos.fs

\ Example 1: Write xml output

\ Create the xml output stream

tos-create xos1

s" encoding" s" ISO-8859-1" s" version" s" 1.0" 2 xos1 xos-write-start-xml

s"  menu of the day " xos1 xos-write-comment

0 s" menu"         xos1 xos-write-start-tag
0 s" food"         xos1 xos-write-start-tag
0 s" name"         xos1 xos-write-start-tag
  s" Breakfast"    xos1 xos-write-text
  s" name"         xos1 xos-write-end-tag
0 s" description"  xos1 xos-write-start-tag
  s" two eggs & bacon or sausage & toast & hash browns" xos1 xos-write-text
  s" description"  xos1 xos-write-end-tag
0 s" price"        xos1 xos-write-start-tag
  s" $6.95"        xos1 xos-write-text
  s" price"        xos1 xos-write-end-tag
s" cholesterol" s" yes"
1 s" health"       xos1 xos-write-empty-element
  s" food"         xos1 xos-write-end-tag
  s" menu"         xos1 xos-write-end-tag

xos1 str-get type cr                 \ Type the xml info

\ Example 2: Write html output

xos1 tos-rewrite                     \ Clean the output stream

nil 0 s" -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" nil 0 s" HTML" xos1 xos-write-public-dtd

0 s" HTML"         xos1 xos-write-start-tag
0 s" HEAD"         xos1 xos-write-start-tag
0 s" TITLE"        xos1 xos-write-start-tag
  s" HTML example" xos1 xos-write-text
  s" TITLE"        xos1 xos-write-end-tag
0 s" BODY"         xos1 xos-write-start-tag
0 s" H1"           xos1 xos-write-start-tag
  s" 'Welcome'"    xos1 xos-write-text          \ Translate ' to &apos;
  s" H1"           xos1 xos-write-end-tag
  s"  comment "    xos1 xos-write-comment
  s" align" s" center"
1 s" DIV"          xos1 xos-write-start-tag     \ = <DIV align="center">

  s" Test"         xos1 xos-write-text
  s" DIV"          xos1 xos-write-end-tag
  s" BODY"         xos1 xos-write-end-tag
  s" HTML"         xos1 xos-write-end-tag
xos1 str-get type cr

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