Module description

trm -- Terminal Escape Sequence Outputter
The trm module implements an outputter for terminal escape sequences. It supports a selection of ANSI, VT100, VT102, ECMA-48 and linux console specific escape sequences in order to perform special terminal actions like colors, cursor movements, inserting, erasing lines, etc. Note: the module uses the pictured output buffer.


trm.reset ( -- u )
Reset attributes to defaults
trm.bold ( -- u )
Set bold
trm.half-bright ( -- u )
Set half bright
trm.underscore-on ( -- u )
Set underscore
Set blink
trm.reverse-on ( -- u )
Set reverse video
trm.normal-intensity ( -- u )
Set normal intensity
trm.underline-off ( -- u )
Reset underline
Reset blink
trm.reverse-off ( -- u )
Reset reverse
trm.foreground-black ( -- u )
Set black foreground
trm.foreground-red ( -- u )
Set red foreground
trm.foreground-green ( -- u )
Set green foreground
trm.foreground-brown ( -- u )
Set brown foreground
trm.foreground-blue ( -- u )
Set blue foreground
trm.foreground-magenta ( -- u )
Set magenta foreground
trm.foreground-cyan ( -- u )
Set cyan foreground
trm.foreground-white ( -- u )
Set white foreground
trm.foreground-def-underline ( -- u )
Set default foreground with underscore on
trm.foreground-default ( -- u )
Set default foreground
trm.background-black ( -- u )
Set black background
trm.background-red ( -- u )
Set red background
trm.background-green ( -- u )
Set green background
trm.background-brown ( -- u )
Set brown background
trm.background-blue ( -- u )
Set blue background
trm.background-magenta ( -- u )
Set magenta background
trm.background-cyan ( -- u )
Set cyan background
trm.background-white ( -- u )
Set white background
trm.background-default ( -- u )
Set default background

Terminal words

trm+reset ( -- )
Reset the terminal
trm+save-current-state ( -- )
Save the current state: cursor, attributes and character sets
trm+restore-current-state ( -- )
Restore the current state: cursor, attributes and character sets

Tab words

trm+set-tab-stop ( -- )
Set tab stop at current column
trm+clear-tab-stop ( -- )
Clear tab stop at current column
trm+clear-all-tab-stops ( -- )
Clear all tab stops

Scroll words

trm+set-scroll-region ( u1 u2 -- )
Set the scroll region rows with top u2 and bottom u1, both ranging from 1 till numbers of rows
trm+scroll-up ( -- )
Scroll the display up
trm+scroll-down ( -- )
Scroll the display down
trm+reset-scroll-region ( -- )
Reset the scroll region rows

Cursor words

trm+move-cursor-up ( u -- )
Move cursor up u rows, always at least one row
trm+move-cursor-down ( u -- )
Move cursor down u rows, always at least one row
trm+move-cursor-right ( u -- )
Move cursor right u columns, always at least one column
trm+move-cursor-left ( u -- )
Move cursor left u columns, always at least one column
trm+move-cursor ( u1 u2 -- )
Move cursor to column and row with x u1 and y u2, both starting from 1
trm+get-cursor ( -- u1 u2 )
Get the current cursor position with x u1 and y u2, both starting from 1
trm+save-cursor ( -- )
Save cursor location
trm+restore-cursor ( -- )
Restore cursor location

Erase display words

trm+erase-display-down ( -- )
Erase display from cursor to end
trm+erase-display-up ( -- )
Erase from start display to cursor
trm+erase-display ( -- )
Erase the whole display

Erase line words

trm+erase-end-of-line ( -- )
Erase the line from cursor to end of line
trm+erase-start-of-line ( -- )
Erase the line from start line to cursor
trm+erase-line ( -- )
Erase the whole line

Insert and delete lines words

trm+insert-lines ( u -- )
Insert u blank lines
trm+delete-lines ( u -- )
Delete u lines

Character words

trm+insert-spaces ( u -- )
Insert u spaces
trm+delete-chars ( u -- )
Delete n characters on the current line
trm+erase-chars ( u -- )
Erase u characters on the current line

Attribute words

trm+set-attributes ( u1 .. un n -- )
Set n attributes

LED words

trm+clear-all-leds ( -- )
Clear all LEDs
trm+set-scroll-led ( -- )
Set the scroll lock LED
trm+set-num-led ( -- )
Set the num lock LED
trm+set-caps-led ( -- )
Set the caps lock LED

Character set words

trm+select-default-font ( -- )
Select the default character set
trm+select-alternate-font ( -- )
Select the alternate character set

Linux console words

trm+set-default-attributes ( -- )
Set the current attributes the default attributes
trm+set-screen-blank-timeout ( u -- )
Set the screen blank timeout in minutes
trm+activate-console ( u -- )
Bring the console to the front
trm+unblank-screen ( -- )
Unblank the screen
trm+select-default ( -- )
Select the default character set ISO8859-1
trm+select-UTF-8 ( -- )
Select the UTF-8 character set
trm+select-graphics-font2 ( -- )
Select the vt100 graphics font for the alternate font

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