Module description
- tos -- Text output stream
The tos module implements a text output stream. It extends the str module,
so all words from the str module, can be used on a tos variable.
The data written to the stream is always appended. Alignment is normally
done for the last written data. By using the start alignment pointers
words the start of the alignment can be changed. The end of the alignment
is always the end of the stream. The message catalog can be used for
localization of strings. Note: the numerical words in this module use the
the numeric output string. The writer can be used to direct the result of
the formatter to a writer word by calling tos-flush:
Stack usage writer word: c-addr u x -- flag = Write c-addr u, return success
Output stream structure
- tos% ( -- n )
- Get the required space for a tos variable
Output stream creation, initialisation and destruction
- tos-init ( tos -- )
- Initialise the empty output stream
- tos-(free) ( tos -- )
- Free the tos data from the heap
- tos-create ( "<spaces>name" -- ; -- tos )
- Create a named output stream in the dictionary
- tos-new ( -- tos )
- Create a new output stream on the heap
- tos-free ( tos -- )
- Free the output stream from the heap
Stream words
- tos-rewrite ( tos -- )
- Rewrite the output stream
Alignment start pointer words
- tos-pntr@ ( tos -- u )
- Get the current alignment start pointer
- tos-pntr! ( n tos -- flag )
- Set the alignment pointer from start [n>=0] or from end [n<0], return success
- tos-pntr+! ( n tos -- flag )
- Add the offset n to the alignment pointer, return success
Writer words
- tos-set-writer ( x xt tos -- )
- Use the stream for writing using the writer callback xt and its data x
- tos-flush ( tos -- )
- Flush the contents of the stream to the writer
Message catalog words
- tos-msc! ( msc tos -- )
- Set the message catalog for the output stream
- tos-msc@ ( tos -- msc | nil )
- Get the message catalog for the output stream
Write data words
- tos-write-char ( char tos -- )
- Write character to the stream
- tos-write-chars ( char u tos -- )
- Write u chars to the stream
- tos-write-string ( c-addr u tos -- )
- Write the string c-addr u to the stream, using the message catalog if present
- tos-write-line ( tos -- )
- Write end-of-line from config to the stream, not align able
- tos-write-number ( n tos -- )
- Write the number n in the current base to the stream
- tos-write-double ( d tos -- )
- Write the double d in the current base to the stream
- tos-write-float ( r tos -- )
- Write the float r to the stream in notation: [-]0.digitsE[-]digits, using PAD and PRECISION
- tos-write-fixed-point ( r tos -- )
- Write the float r to the stream in fixed-point notation: [-]digits.digits0, using PAD and PRECISION
Alignment words
- tos-align ( char u1 u2 tos -- )
- Align the previous written data with padding character char, u1 trailing chars and u2 leading chars
- tos-align-left ( char u tos -- )
- Align the previous written data to the left, using padding character char with width u
- tos-align-right ( char u tos -- )
- Align the previous written data to the right, using padding character char with width u
- tos-center ( char u tos -- )
- Center the previous written data, using padding character char with width u
- tos-dump ( tos -- )
- Dump the text output stream
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