Module description
- tmr -- Timer module
The tmr module implements a poll able interval timer. Due to the fact that
the ANS standard does not define a way to fetch milliseconds, this module
has a environmental dependency.
Timer structure
- tmr% ( - n )
- Get the required space for the timer variable
Timer variable creation, initialisation and destruction
- tmr-init ( u tmr -- )
- Initialise the timer with timeout u
- tmr-create ( u "<spaces>name" -- ; -- tmr )
- Create a named timer variable in the dictionary with timeout u
- tmr-new ( u -- tmr )
- Create a new timer variable on the heap with timeout u
- tmr-free ( tmr -- )
- Free the timer from the heap
Member words
- tmr-timeout@ ( tmr -- u )
- Get the timeout value from the timer
- tmr-timer@ ( tmr -- u )
- Get the running time u from the timer in ms, after last [re]start, expired? or wait
Timer words
- tmr-start ( u tmr -- )
- Start the timer with a timeout value u
- tmr-restart ( tmr -- )
- Restart the timer with the current timeout value
- tmr-expired? ( tmr -- flag )
- Check if the timer is expired, if so the timer is restarted
- tmr-wait ( tmr -- )
- Wait till the timer expires and restart the timer
- tmr-dump ( tmr -- )
- Dump the tmr state
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