Module description

tlb -- Toolbelt forth words
The tlb module contains general purpose forth words.

3dup ( x1 x2 x3 -- x1 x2 x3 x1 x2 x3 )
Duplicate the three cells on stack
4dup ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 )
Duplicate the four cells on stack
3drop ( x1 x2 x3 -- )
Drop the three cells on stack
4drop ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- )
Drop the four cells on stack
lroll ( u1 u2 -- u3 )
Rotate u1 u2 bits to the left
rroll ( u1 u2 -- u3 )
Rotate u1 u2 bits to the right
0! ( a-addr -- )
Set address to zero
u<> ( u u - f )
Check for not equal
u<= ( u u - f )
Check for smaller and equal
0>= ( n - f )
Check for equal and greater zero
>= ( n n - f )
Check for greater equal
<= ( n n - f )
Check for smaller equal
d<> ( d d - f )
Check if two two double are unequal
nil! ( a-addr -- )
Set address to nil
nil= ( addr -- flag )
Check for nil
nil<> ( addr -- flag )
Check for unequal to nil
nil<>? ( addr -- false | addr true )
If addr is nil, then return false, else return address with true
?free ( addr -- ior )
Free the address if not nil
1+! ( a-addr -- )
Increase contents of address by 1
1-! ( a-addr -- )
Decrease contents of address by 1
@! ( x1 a-addr -- x2 )
First fetch the contents x2 and then store value x1
icompare ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- n )
Compare case-insensitive two strings and return the result [-1,0,1]
ud. ( ud -- )
Type the unsigned double number
sgn ( n1 - n2 )
Determine the sign of the number
<=> ( n1 n2 -- n )
Compare the two numbers and return the compare result [-1,0,1]
index2offset ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
Convert the index n1 range [-n2..n2> into offset n3 range [0..n2>, negative values of n1 downward length n2
r'@ ( R: x1 x2 -- x1 x2; -- x1 )
Fetch the second cell on the return stack

Float extension words

f-rot ( F: r1 r2 r3 -- r3 r1 r2 )
Rotate counter clockwise three floats
f2dup ( F: r1 r2 -- r1 r2 r1 r2 )
Duplicate two floats
f>r ( F: r -- ; R: -- r )
Push float on the return stack
fr> ( F: -- r ; R: r -- )
Pop float from the return stack
fr@ ( F: -- r ; R: r -- r )
Get float from top of return stack

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