Module description

scl -- Single Linked Cell List
The scl module implements a single linked list that can store cell wide data.

List structure

scl% ( -- n )
Get the required space for a scl variable

List creation, initialisation and destruction

scl-init ( scl -- )
Initialise the scl list
scl-(free) ( scl -- )
Free the nodes from the heap
scl-create ( "<spaces>name" -- ; -- scl )
Create a named scl list in the dictionary
scl-new ( -- scl )
Create a new scl list on the heap
scl-free ( scl -- )
Free the list from the heap

Member words

scl-empty? ( scl -- flag )
Check for an empty list
scl-length@ ( scl -- u )
Get the number of nodes in the list
scl-compare! ( xt scl -- )
Set the compare execution token for sorting the list
scl-compare@ ( scl -- xt )
Get the compare execution token for sorting the list

List words

scl-clear ( scl -- )
Delete all nodes from the list
scl-append ( x scl -- )
Append the cell data x in the list
scl-prepend ( x scl -- )
Prepend the cell data x in the list

Index words

scl-index? ( n scl -- flag )
Check if the index n is valid for the list
scl-set ( x n scl -- )
Set the cell data x in the nth node in the list
scl-get ( n scl -- x )
Get the cell data x from the nth node in the list
scl-insert ( x n scl -- )
Insert cell data x at the nth node in the list
scl-delete ( n scl -- x )
Delete the nth node from the list, return the cell data from the deleted node

Special words

scl-count ( x scl -- u )
Count the number of occurrences of the cell data x in the list
scl-execute ( i*x xt scl -- j*x )
Execute xt for every cell data in list
scl-execute? ( i*x xt scl -- j*x flag )
Execute xt for every cell data in the list or until xt returns true, flag is true if xt returned true
scl-reverse ( scl -- )
Reverse or mirror the list

Search words

scl-find ( x scl -- n )
Find the first index for cell data x in the list, -1 for not found
scl-has? ( x scl -- flag )
Check if the cell data x is present in the list
scl-remove ( x scl -- flag )
Remove the first occurrence of the cell data x from the list, return success

Sort words

scl-insert-sorted ( x scl -- )
Insert the cell data x sorted in the list
scl-sort ( xt scl -- )
Sort the list scl using mergesort, xt compares the nodes


scl-dump ( scl -- )
Dump the list


\ ==============================================================================
\    scl_expl - the cell based single linked list example in the ffl
\               Copyright (C) 2010  Dick van Oudheusden
\ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
\ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
\ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
\ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
\ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
\ General Public License for more details.
\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
\ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
\ Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
\ ==============================================================================
\  $Date: 2008-04-10 16:12:01 $ $Revision: 1.1 $
\ ==============================================================================

include ffl/scl.fs
include ffl/rng.fs

\ Example: sort a cell based single linked list with 1001 random numbers

\ Create the single linked list on the heap

scl-new value nlist

\ Create the pseudo random generator in the dictionary with seed 5498

5498 rng-create nrng

\ Insert 1001 numbers in the nlist

: nlist-insert     ( n -- = Insert n random numbers in nlist )
  0 DO
    nrng rng-next-number          \ Generate random number and ..
    nlist scl-append              \ .. append to the list

1001 nlist-insert

\ Check the number of numbers out of sequence

: nnode-out-sequence ( n1 n2 flag n3 -- n4 n5 true = Count the number of out of sequence number, n1: count n2:previous number n3: number )
  swap IF
    tuck > IF >r 1+ r> THEN       \ Compare current number with previous number increment counter if out of sequence
    nip                           \ First call, no check

.( Before sorting there are ) 0 0 false ' nnode-out-sequence nlist scl-execute 2drop . .( numbers out of sequence. ) cr

\ Sort the list using the <=> word

' <=> nlist scl-sort

\ Check the number of numbers out of sequence again

.( After sorting there are ) 0 0 false ' nnode-out-sequence nlist scl-execute 2drop . .( numbers out of sequence. ) cr

\ Cleanup the list

nlist scl-free

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