Module description
- nfs -- Non-deterministic finite automata state
The nfs module implements a state in a non-deterministic finite automata.
State structure
- nfs% ( -- n )
- Get the required space for a nfs state
State types
- nfs.char ( -- n = State type char, data )
- char
- nfs.any ( -- n )
- State type any, no data
- nfs.class ( -- n = State type class, data )
- chs
- nfs.lparen ( -- n = State type left paren, data )
- paren level
- nfs.rparen ( -- n = State type right paren, data )
- paren level
- nfs.split ( -- n )
- State type split, no data
- nfs.match ( -- n )
- State type match, no data
State creation, initialisation and destruction
- nfs-init ( x n1 n2 nfs -- )
- Initialise the nfs state with data x, type n1 and id n2
- nfs-new ( x n1 n2 -- nfs )
- Create a new nfs state on the heap with data x, type n1 and id n2
- nfs-free ( nfs -- )
- Free the state from the heap
Member words
- nfs-id@ ( nfs -- n )
- Get the id of the state
- nfs-type@ ( nfs -- n )
- Get the type of the state
- nfs-data@ ( nfs -- x )
- Get the optional data of the state
- nfs-out1! ( nfs1 nfs2 -- )
- Set out1 in the nfs2 state to the nfs1 state
- nfs-out1@ ( nfs1 -- nfs2 )
- Get the out1 state of the nfs1 state
- nfs-out2! ( nfs1 nfs2 -- )
- Set out2 in the nfs2 state to the nfs1 state
- nfs-out2@ ( nfs1 -- nfs2 )
- Get the out2 nfs state of nfs1 state
- nfs-visit! ( n nfs -- )
- Set the visit number [0>=]
- nfs-visit@ ( nfs -- n )
- Get the visit number
- nfs-dump ( nfs -- )
- Dump the nfs state
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