Module description

hcn -- Hash Table Cell Node
The hcn module implements a node that stores cell wide data in a hash table.

Hash table node structure

hcn% ( - n )
Get the required space for a hcn node

Node creation, initialisation and destruction

hcn-init ( x c-addr u u2 hcn -- )
Initialise the node with the hash u2, the key c-addr u and cell data x
hcn-(free) ( hcn -- )
Free the key from the heap
hcn-new ( x c-addr u u2 -- hcn )
Create a new node on the heap with the hash u2, the key c-addr u and cell data x
hcn-free ( hcn -- )
Free the node from the heap


hcn-dump ( hcn -- )
Dump the node

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