Module description

est -- String with escaped characters
The est module implements a string with escaped characters. The code is inspired by the proposal for escaped strings by Stephen Pelc and Peter Knaggs. The following conversion characters are translated:
\a  - bel = ascii 7                                                        
\b  - backspace = ascii 8                                                  
\e  - escape = ascii 27                                                    
\f  - formfeed = ascii 12                                                  
\l  - linefeed = ascii 10                                                  
\m  - cr/lf = ascii 13,10                                                  
\n  - new line                                                             
\q  - quote = ascii 34                                                     
\r  - cr = ascii 13                                                        
\t  - ht = ascii 9                                                         
\v  - vt = ascii 11                                                        
\z  - nul = ascii 0                                                        
\"  - quote = ascii 34                                                     
xhh - hex digit                                                            
\\  - backslash                                                            

String words

parse-esc ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 -- c-addr3 u3 )
Parse the escaped character in string c-addr1 u1, store the result in string c-addr2 and return the remaining string c-addr3 u3
parse\" ( "ccc<quote>" -- c-addr u )
Parse the input stream for a escaped string
s\" ( "ccc<quote>" -- c-addr u )
Create a string with escaped characters
,\" ( "ccc<quote>" -- )
Store a string with escaped characters in the dictionary

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