Module description

dtm -- Date time data type
The dtm module implements a [gregorian] date and time data type.

Date time structure

dtm% ( -- n )
Get the required space for a dtm variable


dtm.unix-epoch ( -- n )
Unix epoch [1970]
dtm.start-epoch ( -- n )
Start epoch [1583]
dtm.sunday ( -- n )
dtm.monday ( -- n )
dtm.tuesday ( -- n )
dtm.wednesday ( -- n )
dtm.thursday ( -- n )
dtm.friday ( -- n )
dtm.saturday ( -- n )
dtm.january ( -- n )
dtm.february ( -- n )
dtm.march ( -- n )
dtm.april ( -- n )
dtm.may ( -- n )
dtm.june ( -- n )
dtm.july ( -- n )
dtm.august ( -- n )
dtm.september ( -- n )
dtm.october ( -- n )
dtm.november ( -- n )
dtm.december ( -- n )

Date time variable creation, initialisation and destruction

dtm-init ( dtm -- )
Initialise the date/time with the current date and time
dtm-create ( "<spaces>name" -- ; -- dtm )
Create a date/time variable in the dictionary with the current date/time
dtm-new ( -- dtm )
Allocate a date/time variable on the heap with the current date/time
dtm-free ( dtm -- )
Free the date/time variable from the heap

Module words

dtm+leap-year? ( n -- flag )
Check if the year n is a leap year
dtm+calc-leap-years ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
Calculate the number of leap years in the year range [n2..n1]
dtm+days-in-year ( n1 -- n2 )
Get the number of days in the year n1
dtm+days-in-month ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
Get the number of days in the month n1 and year n2
dtm+days-till-month ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
Get the number of days till the month n1 and year n2
dtm+milli? ( n -- flag )
Check if the milliseconds n are valid
dtm+second? ( n -- flag )
Check if the seconds n are valid
dtm+minute? ( n -- flag )
Check if the minutes n are valid
dtm+hour? ( n -- flag )
Check if the hours n are valid
dtm+day? ( n1 n2 n3 -- flag )
Check if the day n1 in the month n2 and year n3 is valid
dtm+month? ( n -- flag )
Check if the month n is valid
dtm+year? ( n -- flag )
Check if the year n [>1582] is valid

Member words

dtm-milli@ ( dtm -- n )
Get the milliseconds
dtm-milli! ( n dtm -- )
Set the milliseconds
dtm-second@ ( dtm -- n )
Get the seconds
dtm-second! ( n dtm -- )
Set the seconds
dtm-minute@ ( dtm -- n )
Get the minutes
dtm-minute! ( n dtm -- )
Set the minutes
dtm-hour@ ( dtm -- n )
Get the hour
dtm-hour! ( n dtm -- )
Set the hour
dtm-day@ ( dtm -- n )
Get the day
dtm-day! ( n dtm -- )
Set the day
dtm-month@ ( dtm -- n )
Get the month
dtm-month! ( n dtm -- )
Set the month
dtm-year@ ( dtm -- n )
Get the year
dtm-year! ( n dtm -- )
Set the year

Set words

dtm-set-date ( n1 n2 n3 dtm -- )
Set the date with day n1, month n2 and year n3
dtm-set-time ( n1 n2 n3 n4 dtm -- )
Set the time with milliseconds n1, seconds n2, minutes n3 and hours n4
dtm-set ( n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 dtm -- )
Set the date/time with milliseconds n1, seconds n2, minutes n3, hours n4, day n5, month n6 and year n7
dtm-set-now ( dtm -- )
Set the date time with the current date/time
dtm-set-with-days ( d1 n2 dtm -- )
Set the date with days d1 since epoch n2
dtm-set-with-seconds ( d n dtm -- )
Set the date/time with d seconds since epoch n

Get words

dtm-get ( dtm -- n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 )
Get the date/time, return milliseconds n1, seconds n2, minutes n3, hours n4, day n5, month n6 and year n7
dtm-get-date ( dtm -- n1 n2 n3 )
Get the date, return day n1, month n2 and year n3
dtm-get-time ( dtm -- n1 n2 n3 n4 )
Get the time, return milliseconds n1, seconds n2, minutes n3 and hours n4
dtm-weekday ( dtm -- n )
Get the week day from the date
dtm-yearday ( dtm -- n )
Get the day number [in the year] from the date
dtm-iso-weeknumber ( dtm -- n1 n2 )
Get the iso week number n1 and year n2 from the date

Epoch words

dtm-calc-days-since-epoch ( n dtm -- d )
Calculate the number of days since epoch n from the date
dtm-calc-seconds-since-epoch ( n dtm -- d )
Calculate the number of seconds since epoch n from the date/time

Compare words

dtm-compare ( n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 dtm -- n )
Compare the date/time with milliseconds n1, seconds n2, minutes n3, hours n4, day n5, month n6 and year n7
dtm^compare ( dtm1 dtm2 -- n )
Compare two date/times, return the compare result [-1,0,1]


dtm-dump ( dtm -- )
Dump the date/time variable

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