dom.element: -- c-addr u = Tag name dom.attribute: -- c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 = Attribute name c-addr1 u1 and value c-addr2 u2 dom.text: -- c-addr u = Normal xml text dom.cdata: -- c-addr u = CDATA section text dom.pi: -- c-addr u = Proc. instr. target c-addr u dom.comment: -- c-addr n = Comment dom.document: -- = Document root
\ ============================================================================== \ \ dom_expl - the xml-dom example in the ffl \ \ Copyright (C) 2008 Dick van Oudheusden \ \ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or \ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public \ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either \ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. \ \ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, \ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of \ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU \ General Public License for more details. \ \ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public \ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free \ Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. \ \ ============================================================================== \ \ $Date: 2008-11-23 06:48:53 $ $Revision: 1.5 $ \ \ ============================================================================== include ffl/dom.fs \ Example 1: Read xml from file, iterate and write to string \ Create the xml-dom in the dictionary dom-create dom1 \ Setup a file reader for the dom : dom-reader ( file-id -- c-addr u | 0 = Read the next chunk of the file ) pad 64 rot read-file throw dup IF pad swap THEN ; \ Open the source xml file s" test.xml" r/o open-file throw value dom.input \ Read the test.xml file with the dom-reader in the dom, leading and trailing whitespace is skipped dom.input ' dom-reader true dom1 dom-read-reader [IF] .( XML File is successfully read ) cr [ELSE] .( XML File is not correct ) cr [THEN] \ Iterate in the dom the xml-document, start with the root dom1 dom-document [IF] .( Iterate the start of the xml document ) cr [ELSE] .( No document start ?? ) cr [THEN] \ Move the iterator to the first child of the xml-document dom1 dom-child [IF] dup dom.attribute = [IF] drop .( Attribute with name: ) dom1 dom-get-name type .( and value: ) dom1 dom-get-value type cr [ELSE] dup dom.element = [IF] drop .( Tag with name: ) dom1 dom-get-name type .( and value: ) dom1 dom-get-value type cr [ELSE] dup dom.comment = [IF] drop .( Comment with value: ) dom1 dom-get-value type cr [ELSE] dup dom.text = [IF] drop .( Text with value: ) dom1 dom-get-value type cr [ELSE] dom.pi = [IF] .( Processing instruction with name: ) dom1 dom-get-name type .( and value: ) dom1 dom-get-value type cr [ELSE] .( Perhaps a CDATA section ?) cr [THEN] [THEN] [THEN] [THEN] [THEN] [ELSE] .( xml document has no children.) cr [THEN] \ Move the iterator to the next child of the xml-document dom1 dom-next [IF] dup dom.attribute = [IF] drop .( Attribute with name: ) dom1 dom-get-name type .( and value: ) dom1 dom-get-value type cr [ELSE] dup dom.element = [IF] drop .( Tag with name: ) dom1 dom-get-name type .( and value: ) dom1 dom-get-value type cr [ELSE] dup dom.comment = [IF] drop .( Comment with value: ) dom1 dom-get-value type cr [ELSE] dup dom.text = [IF] drop .( Text with value: ) dom1 dom-get-value type cr [ELSE] dom.pi = [IF] .( Processing instruction with name: ) dom1 dom-get-name type .( and value: ) dom1 dom-get-value type cr [ELSE] .( Perhaps a CDATA section ?) cr [THEN] [THEN] [THEN] [THEN] [THEN] [ELSE] .( xml document has no more children.) cr [THEN] \ Write the xml dom1 dom-write-string [IF] .( xml document: ) type cr [ELSE] .( Problems writing the xml document.) cr [THEN] [THEN] \ Example 2: Read xml from string and write to a file \ Create the xml-dom on the heap dom-new value dom2 \ Read xml from a string, skipping any leading and trailing whitespace s" <?xml version='1.1'?> <!-- test --> <car> <color> blue </color> </car>" true dom2 dom-read-string [IF] .( XML is sucessfully read.) cr [ELSE] .( XML was not correct.) cr [THEN] \ Write the xml-dom to a file using a writer : dom-writer ( c-addr u file-id -- flag = Write the xml using a writer ) write-file throw true ; \ Open the file for the writer s" out.xml" w/o create-file throw value dom.output \ Write the xml-dom to the writer dom.output ' dom-writer dom2 dom-write-writer [IF] .( XML is successfully written.) cr [ELSE] .( Problems writing the xml-dom.) cr [THEN] \ Free the dom from the heap dom2 dom-free \ Example 3: build a xml document from scratch using the xml-dom \ Create the xml-dom on the heap dom-new value dom3 \ Start with the root, the xml-document dom.document dom3 dom-append-node \ Add the version attribute to the xml-document s" version" s" 1.0" dom.attribute dom3 dom-append-node \ Move back to the xml-document and add a tag dom3 dom-parent 2drop s" tag" dom.element dom3 dom-append-node \ Add text to the element s" hello" dom.text dom3 dom-append-node \ Write the xml to a string dom3 dom-write-string [IF] .( XML successfully written: ) type cr [ELSE] .( Problems...) cr [THEN] \ Free the dom from the heap dom3 dom-free
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