Module description

crc -- 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check
The crc module implements a 32-bit cyclic redundancy check calculation.

CRC-32 Structure

crc% ( -- n )
Get the required space for a crc-32 variable

CRC-32 variable creation, initialisation and destruction

crc-init ( crc -- )
Initialise the crc
crc-create ( "<spaces>name" -- ; -- crc )
Create a named crc variable in the dictionary
crc-(free) ( crc -- )
Free the internal table from the heap
crc-new ( -- crc )
Create a new crc variable on the heap
crc-free ( crc -- )
Free the crc from the heap

Member words

crc-poly! ( u crc -- )
Use the polynomial u for the crc
crc-poly@ ( crc -- u )
Get the polynomial u in the crc

CRC-32 words

crc-reset ( crc -- )
Reset the crc calculation
crc-update ( c-addr u crc -- )
Update the crc structure with more byte data
crc-finish ( crc -- u )
Finish the calculation, return the CRC32 result

Module words

crc+calc-poly ( u1 .. un n -- u )
Calculate the polynomial u
crc+calc-crc32 ( c-addr u -- u1 )
Calculate the CRC32 for byte data with default crc32 table

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